More 4 less or less 4 more?

Posted: 05/12/2011 in Ivolution, Trend watching
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The trend more 4 less is really kicking in. For those who don’t know the trend yet, here is a little info. We love to have a lot of premium products, but we would like to buy them with a big discount. That is more 4 less. The succes of Groupon and Vente Exclusive prove we love to team up with strangers in a bulkdeal if we will be rewarded with a huge discount.

But every good thing has a downside. The providers of these combo deals need to satisfy the shareholders, so deals they made with restaurants, hotels or brands who participate often are closed by slick salesman with high salestargetets. This means,that in the end, the consumer often don’t get his/hers money’s worth. Often it is not done on purpose, but because the restaurant on second thought, simply is unable to provide a 3 star meal for €39,95. Of course the consumer also has to keep both his/her feet on the ground. This is the most difficult part, cause man is greedy by nature.

The one thing that should be a wise lesson for all people, is that the satisfaction of needs is much higher, when you rightly spend your heard earnd money. Spending €100 on a perfect meal, tastes so much better than a meal for €39,95 you do 3 times a week. Sometimes less 4 more is a better trend in my book.

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